I have learned that political adversaries can get accounts terminated by falsely flagging them. The fact that my videos were reviewed and approved when they were uploaded should prevent these false flags. On 11-8-13 I was asked if I wanted to link my videos to Google+. I agreed to it. On 11-11-13 my account was suspended. After years of peaceful and productive partnership with youtube, it would be hard to believe that these two changes are not connected. Google is now suspending all accounts which defend liberty.
Perhaps there is a lack of clarity concerning the meaning of GRATUITOUS violence. It would be my understanding that acting in OPPOSITION TO violence would not be GRATUITOUS.
I worked 18 hours a day, 7 days a week for many years building a youtube channel. Then suddenly, and without any warning, discussion, or notice, my account was suspended without any reason being explained, even after the fact. I found that I had devoted a tremendous effort to building a house on sand.
Had over 3000 subscribers and millions of views. Growth was increasing continuously. Each day that passes increases the injury, and decreases the hope for recovery of what is being lost. Is Google destroying years of work done by others, to save a few man hours?
Apparently Google has tried to automate things that cannot be automated. Occasionally a human intellect is required to make decisions that cannot be reduced to a flow chart. If a channel if dedicated to opposing evil, then evil people will retaliate by falsely flagging that channel. The number of false flags that can be created is without limit. The number of false flags that a channel can endure without being suspended is a finite number defined in a program that does not think. Google saves a few man hours by destroying years of work that has been done by others.
I am in the process of investigating alternatives to Google owned youtube. I would appreciate any advice, and any reviews. For the time being, I am uploading my videos to my own web page at
Google is on top because of millions of little people who they now take for granted and abuse. They have now forced me to change from being a loyal customer and partner, into being a persevering competitor.
If youtube now blocks video which expose police state tactics then they have made themselves into a tool of tyranny. If our police state has advanced to the point of successfully obtaining help from youtube, then things are far worse that any of us had imagined.
I now understand that by building a youtube channel I had devoted a tremendous effort to building a house on sand. Had over 3000 subscribers and millions of views. Growth was increasing continuously. Now this is where I will start over.
(Currently blocked and censored by youtube. Alternative is being constructed)
Supreme Court -Despotism of an Oligarchy
SC Sen Tom Davis Speaks At Nullify Obamacare Press Conference
Ed Snowden Complete Press Conference at Moscow Airport 7 12 13
Congressman Mike Rogers Objects to Government Being Able to Kick People Off of Healthcare
Chairman Waxman Shows He Did Not Understand His Own Health Care Bill
Congressman Mike Rogers on Obamacare pt2
Congressman Mike Rogers Opening Statement on Health Care
Lindsey Graham Precinct Captain Endorses Graham’s Opponent Lee Bright /
Oath Keepers Remove Barricades From WW2 Memorial in DC
Monsanto and Crony Capitalism, a Ben Swann Reality Check
Obama Explains His Plan for Tyranny. Democrats CHEER!
Message to World- American PEOPLE Are Not Your Enemy. Tyranny IS our Mutual Enemy
NSA Using Copyright Claims To Crush Free Speech
History Lesson for Future Tyrants2
Sen. Rand Paul Explains How Orwell’s 1984 is Happening Now
American Drone
John Brennan Explains Killing Americans With Drones at Hearing
Watch a Predator Drone Kill the Driver of a Car With Hellfire Missile
PURGE – Operation Paul Revere InfoWars Contest Winner
Read the full article at:
Detained For Filming Martial Law Drill on Public Property- Charlotte, NC
Obama Called War Criminal and Hypocrite of the Century in Irish Parliament
Ron Paul On Lindsey Graham’s Support of NDAA 1 18 2012
Candidate Obama Debates President Obama on Government Surveillance
Terrifying Future of the United States
Obama Speaks About Killing People With Predator Drones
Nora Craig Speaking to NJ Senate Committee On 2nd Amendment
Sen. Ted Cruz Speaks in Opposition to the Internet Sales Tax
One Sane Cop Fights Another Psychopathic Cop Over His Brutality
Gestapo Like Warrantless Raids Assault Innocent People at Watertown
SC Congressman Trey Gowdy DESTROYS Bogus DOJ Racism Charade on Voter ID
History Lesson for Future Tyrants
Also at
Nazi Leaders Executed At Nuremberg – with no music
Fighting Agenda 21 in Local Government
Actual Video of Ballots Being Stolen at Republican Convention in Oregon
William Shatner Explains the Right to Bear Arms
Rand Paul’s State of the Union Response 2013 at Tea Party
Alex Jones Calls For Gun Confiscation- From Government
Rand Paul Speaks Out Against Senators Voting without Reading the Bills
Sen. Kathleen Marchione Comments on the NY Safe Act 3-27-13
Federal Government Preparing for War… With the American People
Dr. Benjamin Carson’s Inspiring Speech at CPAC 3/16/13
Black Leaders Discuss the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Sen. Ted Cruz to Baltimore Police Chief on Gun Laws at Senate Hearing 01/30/2013
Sen. Ted Cruz Presentation at Gun Hearing 01/30/2013
Feinstein Desperate, Evasive, and Unable to Respond to Sen. Ted Cruz at Gun Hearing
Sen. Ted Cruz Offering an Amendment to Defund Obamacare
Sen. Rand Paul Filibuster HOUR 1 03-06-13
Sen. Rand Paul Filibuster HOUR 2 03-06-13
Sen. Rand Paul Filibuster HOUR 3 03-06-13
Sen. Rand Paul Filibuster HOUR 4 03-06-13
Questions From
Sen. Ted Cruz (R) Texas ,
Sen Mike Lee (R) Utah,
Sen Jerry Moran
Sen. Rand Paul Filibuster HOUR 5 03-06-13
Questions From Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R) Georgia
Sen. Harry Reid tries to pass a motion to limit debate
Questions From Sen. Patrick Toomey (R) PA
Sen. Rand Paul Filibuster HOUR 6 03-06-13
Questions From Sen. Ted Cruz (R) Texas,
Sen. Rand Paul Filibuster HOUR 7 03-06-13
Questions From:
Sen. Jerry Moran (R) Kansas
Sen. Richard Durbin (D) Illinois
blocks a unanimous consent request
Sen. Ted Cruz (R) Texas reads “Stand with Rand” Tweets
Sen. Rand Paul Filibuster HOUR 8 03-06-13
Sen. Ted Cruz (R) Texas reads “Stand with Rand” Tweets
Sen. Rand Paul Filibuster HOUR 9 03-06-13
Sen. Mike Lee (R) Utah
Sen. John Barrasso (R) Wyoming
Sen. Rand Paul Filibuster HOUR 10 03-06-13
Sen. Ted Cruz (R) Texas reads “Stand with Rand” Tweets
Sen. Rand Paul Filibuster HOUR 11 03-06-13
Sen. Ted Cruz (R) Texas FANTASTIC SPEECH
Sen. Marco Rubio (R) FL
Sen. John Thune (R) South Dakota
Sen. Patrick Toomey (R) PA
Sen. Rand Paul Filibuster HOUR 12 03-06-13
Sen. Richard Durbin (D) Illinois recounts 911
Sen. Ron Johnson (R) Wisconsin
Sen. Tim Scott (R) SC
Sen. Dean Heller (R) Nevada
Sen. Mike Lee (R) Utah
Sen. Ted Cruz (R) Texas
Sen. Rand Paul yields the floor
Mass Murdering Tyrants Agree- Gun Control Works
John Brennan- Our Next Muslim CIA Director
Sheriff Mack Teaches the Meaning of Being a Constitutional Sheriff
Ron Paul on 2nd Amendment Rights from 1989
Mass Killings- Guns Don’t Kill People. Psychiatric Drugs Do
TN State Senate Judiciary Committee Intense Arguments on Federal Gun Law Nullification
Law Student Teaches Policeman About Gun Rights
Do Not Talk to Police
Exodus Mandate’s Call to Dunkirk
Actual Police Audio of Intentional Burning of Dorner and INNOCENTS
Preview of the IndoctriNation Documentary
NY State Assemblyman Clifford W. Crouch speaking on the NY SAFE ACT of 2013
NY State Assemblyman Jim Tedisco Stands Up for Our Second Amendment Rights
Dr. Benjamin Carson Teaches Obama About American Liberty
Chris Kyle On Gun Rights – First Victim of Death Squad
EU Times Report- Obama Death Squads Fanning Out Across America
Tiananmen Square Survivor Explains the 2nd Amendment
Mission of the Oath Keepers Explained by Stewart Rhodes
Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County Says Arm Yourself
Sheriff Tim Mueller Linn County Oregon Tells Obama Administration NO YOU CAN’T Violate Constitution
SC State Senator Lee Bright at Guns Across America Rally Columbia, SC 1-19-13
Rep. Bill Taylor at Guns Across America Rally Columbia, SC 1-19-13
David Gay on Nullification at Albany, NY Gun Rights Rally
Fighting Agenda 21 at County Council- John Perna Lexington, SC on Yard Police
John Perna at Guns Across America Rally Columbia, SC 01-19-13
Part 1 of a full seminar:
Part 2 of a full seminar:
Kentucky Sheriff Tells Feds They Will Never Take Guns Out of Jackson County
Press Conference on Nullification of Obamacare in South Carolina
How Will Military and Police Respond to The Systematic Gun Grab?
Dr. Suzanna Hupp Testimony Before Congress on the 2nd Amendment
Diane Feinstein Wants to Take YOUR Gun BUT KEEP HER OWN
Obama To Fully Engage Gun Owners with Armed Feds
Raw Video of 2 Women Subjected to Roadside Body Cavity Search Using Same Gloves
Obama Orders the Murder of Children
CT Police State Threatens Arrest for Exercising 1st Amendment Rights
Sandy Hook Elem Witness Saw 2nd Shooter in Handcuffs
Raw Film CT Police Search Woods After Shooting- 2 More Perps Shown
SC Thanks Rep Bill Chumley for Indroducing Nullification of Obamacare
CIA WhistleBlower EXPOSES Everything! Extreme Prejudice
Zbigniew Brzezinski Admits Globalist Elites are Getting Scared About Awakening of Masses
Open Message to Police and Military
Forced Taxation Is Immoral
Forced Taxation is Slavery
You Pay Taxes to Build the Police State
Federal Reserve Inspector General Does Not Know Where 9 Trillion Missing Dollars Went
Ron Paul’s Congressional Farewell Speech 11/14/2012
Ron Paul- Secession is an American Principle
Jake Knotts said he was in the “catbird seat”? Watch out for da cat! Is “cat” short for Katrina?
Police Brutality – Sheriff Mack Speaks Out (
Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Convention – DVD Trailer
Constitutional Duty of the Sheriff – Richard Mack
Stewart Rhodes – CSPOA Convention Preview
Michael Badnarik- Philosophy of the Constitution preview
Bill Jasper The SPLC- A Closer Look preview
Ken Ivory- The Federal Fault Line preview
If You See Something, Film Something I- You Have The Right To Film The Police
If You See Something, Film Something II Recording Police is Dangerous but Necessary
If You See Something, Film Something III- Where is the Outrage and the Accountability
Question that Stops Police Bluffing- Am I being detained or am I free to go?
Law Forcing Us to Buy Toxic EXPENSIVE Light Bulbs From Communist China
Adam Kokesh Speech- Is It Time?
Outrages While Polling the State Delegates at the RNC Convention 8-28-12
Dudley Brown on 2012 RNC Change to Rules
Gary Johnson Nomination Speech at the Libertarian National Convention
The Road to World War 3
Stephen Moore of Wall Street Journal on a REAL Economy Stimulus Plan
Guide To Jury Nullification
Tyranny WATCHING Your Every Move and Removing Every Liberty
Pentagon Drones Flying Domestic Declaring War on Your Privacy?
GARY JOHNSON – America Needs A Handyman
One Marine Speaking Truth Vs. 30 Cops- Marine Wins
Ginger Taylor Shows Romney Camp Circulated Fake List of Paul Supporters at Maine GOP
Gary Johnson is a Ron Paul Revolutionary
Romney Should be Disqualified for Election Fraud
Clint Eastwood at RNC 2012 – Go Ahead, Make My Day
Former State Trooper Reveals IMMINENT Plans for Implementation of Martial Law
Police Brutality Now Continuous In All States
Former Marine Reveals What Monsters We Have Become
Oregon Jails a Property Owner for Collecting Rainwater on His Own Property
Truth Revealer Bradley Manning Tortured-Murderers Go Free
Ben Swann Asks Obama How Does He Justify A Kill List?
Andrew Breitbart Announced Info to Bring Obama Down Just Weeks Before His Mysterious Death
Murdering With the CIA Heart Attack Gun
Video of RNC Teleprompter Showing Results of Scripted Voting Before Voting Finished
RNC Sham 2012 Corruption Beyond Belief
Ron Paul’s Maine Delegates Walked Out of Sham Republican Convention After Being Cheated
RNC: Assembly of Fraudulently Selected Delegates
State Senator Tom Davis Speech at THE RON PAUL Fest Tampa 08-25-12
Ron Paul Speech at Tampa Sun Dome – Aug 26 2012
Gary Johnson’s Speech at THE RON PAUL Fest Tampa 08-25-12
Tom Woods Speaks at THE RON PAUL Fest Tampa 8-25-12
Ron Paul Warns Bernanke of Economic Errors Destroying Our Economy
Oathkeepers Interview Brandon Raub’s Mother Cathleen Thomas
Interview of Raub Brandon’s Mother And His Arrest for Facebook Posts
Ron Paul Blimp Launched On 12-16-07: Tea Party Day
Ron Paul Money Bomb of 12-16-07 Created the Tea Party Movement
Paul Ryan Has Constituents Arrested for Dissent
Oath Keeper Sheriff Richard Mack
Oliver North Questioned On Plan to Suspend Constitution
Detention Camps Now Exposed in Mainstream Media
Predator Drones and the Smiling Killers Who Fly Them
Has Your Government Ordered Your Death Yet?
What it Looks Like When a Predator Drone Vaporizes People
Has Your Government Ordered Your Death Yet?
Ron Paul on US Government Ordered Murder
Has Your Government Ordered Your Death Yet?
Actual Glock ad- Somebody picked the wrong diner!
Rep. Kelly’s Rousing FEDS GET OFF OUR BACKS Speech GETS Standing Ovation, Chants of USA!
Congressman Kucinich Demands Audit of the Federal Reserve
Police brutality worse than Rodney King
Police brutality worse than Rodney King
Nazi Leaders Executed At Nuremberg
The Speech That Shows Why John F Kennedy Was Murdered
Conspiracy Fact, Accidental Theory
World Economic Collapse The 11th Hour
Pastor Steven Anderson Recounts 1 Day After Being Beaten & tazed by Border Patrol – 11 stiches
Confronting Bluffing Stormtroopers Who Respect Nothing But Strength at Nazi Checkpoints in US
Ode to Border Patrol by Baptist Pastor Beaten & Tased – 11 Stitches
ACTUAL FOOTAGE: Pastor Beaten & Tased by Border Patrol
Philosophy of Liberty
Soccer Fans Give Abusive Police a Lesson on How it Feels
RNC Delegates and Plaintiffs with Lawyers for Ron Paul – National Conference Call Part 2
Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting Machines
Lindsey Graham Explains Abolishing the Bill Of Right Through NDAA
Watch Lindsey Graham: “Shut Up. You Don’t Get a Lawyer!”
The Tiny Dot
RNC Delegates and Plaintiffs with Lawyers for Ron Paul – National Conference Call Part 1
Lindsey Graham on Suspending The Bill of Rights
New World Order Elite Power Plot- No Secret Anymore
You Think There is No Such Thing as North American Union?
Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich in 2012- Bipartisan Opposition to Banksters
Nullification a Tool We All Have by Thomas Woods
Business Spends Advertising Money to Promote Liberty- Greatness at Denny’s
Ron Paul- The Only One We Can Trust
Ron Paul Gives America the Last Desperate Wake Up Call
Judge Napolitano on Nullification
Detention Camps Now Exposed in Mainstream Media
GOP Convention in Tampa Will Be a “TRIP”- even if You Stay Home
Foreign Troops Training In Tampa
Lawyers For Ron Paul Civil Rights (Voting Rights) Lawsuit FAQ
Assaulted Ron Paul Chair Responds After Release From Hospital
LA GOP Ousted Rules Committee Chairman calls Security to Remove Opponents
Ron Paul Delegate Assaulted by Shreveport Police at LAGOP State Convention – Broken Hip
Nuremberg trial footage
Supreme Court Judges holding back tears while Obama Lies
Illinois Rep Screams in Outrage on House floor! (The tyranny is coming unglued)
This file is too big. The maximum upload size for your server is 64M.
Fema Camp Officer – Internment Specialist – Concentration Camp guards in USA
Detention Camps Now Exposed in Mainstream Media
Fed training video: Christian and founding fathers called terrorists
Detention Camps Now Exposed in Mainstream Media
They tell Us that Ron Paul is a Lunatic?
John Perna at SC State House on July 4 Part 2
John Perna at SC State House on July 4 Part 3
The Importance of Compassion and Integrity
Deciding the Republican Primary
Black Folks Do Not Buy the ‘Ron Paul Is a Racist’ Scam
Breaking News Bachmann’s Iowa Co-Chair Resigns – Endorses Ron Paul !
Ron Paul Most Popular Republican Amongst Non-Whites
Print Your Own and Get Paid to Hand out Free Prescription Discount Cards
Amendment Requiring Amazon Performance for Tax Advantage Failed
Billy Vegas – The Militarization of Our Police
HILARIOUS! Rep. James Traficant on Department of Agriculture spending
Filibuster Obfuscation from SC Rep. Walton McLeod
The Pitiful Anti Mark Sanford Fizzle: a 360 Degree View
Senator De Mint at the Tea Party in Columbia, SC on 07-04-2009
Walking Out of SC Republican convention 5-16-2009
Support SC Gov Against the so called “Stimulus” Scam
Censorship Part 3: Replying to Censored political messages
Censorship Part 2
Censorship Part 1
Thomas Jefferson said:
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
We add this:
“The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost.
The battle for liberty always continues.
It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom.
No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope.
No matter how free we are we are never safe.
Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it.
The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back.
When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery at certainty.” John Perna
WARNING: This message has been intercepted and stored by the National Security Agency as part of its unlawful spying program on all Americans. The National Security Agency is the only part of the government that actually LISTENS to you. Do you wish that the government would read the Constitution? Just email it privately to your friends. What we formerly called “freedom of speech” we now call the “right to remain silent.” BUT they will now claim that you DO NOT HAVE the right to remain silent… if THEY are asking the questions.
The Patriot Act is constitutionally illegal, but was signed into law takes away your rights and turns them into privileges, which the government can grant or take away at will. If you remember we were told that this would just be temporary. Now it has been made permanent. But no one protested did they?
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